

Rebecca Pilger

Welcome to SOUL DESIRE

I’m Rebecca Pilger, your guide on a journey towards self-love, spiritual awakening, and a fulfilling life.

Growing up disconnected from spirituality, I faced numerous setbacks and challenges, often feeling lost. My life took a dramatic turn when it shattered, leading me down a new, unforeseen path. The universe gave me the greatest gift—a profound spiritual awakening. Through the pain and chaos, I discovered hope, clarity, and abundance.

I believe that spiritual awakening often requires us to endure significant change. It might feel like everything is falling apart, but sometimes you need to lose everything to gain everything. On the other side of pain and loss lies a happy, aligned, and abundant life.

Join me as we explore spirituality, healing, and self-improvement. I hope my story offers you the inspiration to keep moving forward towards a brighter future.



Britta Koppelkamm-Langkopf

Ich bin Britta und auch bei mir lief nicht immer alles glatt. Es gab auch Höhen und Tiefen in meinem Leben, die ich aber mit Hilfe von Familie,  Freunden und auch Coaches gut gemeistert habe und ich habe gelernt, mir und meiner Intuition wieder mehr zu vertrauen. Letztlich können wir uns nur selbst helfen und müssen in die  Eigenverantwortung gehen.

Einer meiner größten Wünsche war es immer Hebamme zu werden. Ich

wollte aktiv dabei sein, wenn ein neues Leben geboren wird und den Beginn einer neuen  wundervollen Seele bestmöglich zu unterstützen. In gewisser Weise mache ich das ja jetzt auch… ich helfe, begleite und unterstütze dich in ein neues Leben, in dem du und deine Bedürfnisse an erster Stelle stehen. Ich sehe mich als Wegbegleiterin, Impulsgeberin und Zuhörerin.

Gauri DesRochers

Gauri has dedicated her life to profound spiritual practice and transformation, having spent years immersed in the rich traditions of India.

Training under her Guru and chanting millions of mantras, Gauri developed an extraordinary connection to deeper spiritual practices. 

She brings this rich experience to her work, guiding individuals on transformative 40-day mantra cycles. 

Her unique approach, deeply rooted in advanced Vedic astrology and spiritual mentorship, is tailored to uncover and work through your personal karma, focusing on areas like health, wealth, and relationships.

After years of devoted practice and exclusive mentoring, Gauri is now ready to share her wisdom with a broader audience. 

Whether it's through her insightful use of Vedic astrology or her personalized spiritual guidance, her mission is to empower you to achieve deeper spiritual protection and growth.

Isabel Bagsik

Isabel Bagsik is a Soulful Brand Designer and Creative Wellness Guide. She helps heart-led healers, entrepreneurs, visionaries and revolutionary leaders like you to launch your innovative projects and get paid for your culture-shifting creative gifts. Isabel’s unique methodology incorporates creative rituals, rest practices, and original, personalized design strategy. 

She spent 10 years designing for high profile businesses, brands like Google & Target (winning a team media award), organizations like CAIR, LEAD Filipino, and University of California Davis, and changemakers like Stephen Curry and Michelle Obama. She also launched a successful magazine “Brown Papaya”. 

During this time she also developed her wellness practices, leading her to discover an effortless and pleasurable branding process that she applied to successfully launching her current business!

Joywyn Dias

Joywyn is an Ascension Guide and Galactic Starseed Specialist, devoted to ushering in a wave of awareness and soul remembrance within the collective.

With her unique expertise in Starseeds and Galactic wisdom, Joywyn guides individuals on a journey towards understanding their cosmic origins and unlocking their highest potential. 

Her mission is not only to inform but to transform, helping each of us remember the incredible power and purpose we carry within our souls.

Julie Tritch

Julie grew up in a blue-collar family, where financial challenges fueled her determination to achieve more. Driven by her dreams, she graduated with honors and pursued a career in business. She made her mark in the male-dominated automotive manufacturing industry, taking on various leadership roles.

In 2019, a health crisis became a pivotal moment for Julie, sparking a journey of spiritual discovery and self-development that led her to leave Corporate America. Since then, she's passionately dedicate her life to helping others heal and create businesses they truly love.

Madeline Eve

Madeline Eve, Author of Fortune Favors the Healed, is an Energy Healer and Intuitive, supporting you to clear the energetic blocks holding you back in life and business, so you can accelerate your results with much more ease. Madeline studied Alchemical Energy Healing and Psychic Development privately under a Shaman for over 7 years, but also holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Elon University. In addition, she has extensively studied mindset reprogramming, tantric therapy, somatic healing and trauma safety with some of the world's most renowned Healers and Coaches. Madeline purpose and dream is to support as many Souls as possible to raise their frequency, so they too, can create & live in their own personal Heaven on Earth.

Suzanne Burton

Suzanne Burton is an expert in her field but also a guiding light for many seeking healing and transformation. 

She is a highly acclaimed Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in spiritual healing and mindset shifts.

With her unique ability to blend tarot insights with therapeutic practices, Suzanne has helped countless individuals navigate their paths towards healing and self-discovery.